• Interpreter
  • Translation
  • Audio and Video
  • Literary Translation
  • Working With Interpreters


Allowing good literature to reach readers excluded because of language

Spanish into English   or   English into Spanish
As a writer myself, I am driven by my passion for the creative word. When I translate another author’s work I work hard to honor the voice of the author: the word choices register and tone. I consider cross cultural cues so that I can transfer that voice. Because how one writes something can be as important as what they write.

My Process

I read the manuscript thoroughly and I familiarize myself with the other works of the author. If possible I consult with the author Reflective Waterbeforehand. I translate both fiction and nonfiction. As a series editor myself, I know the importance of meeting deadlines.
Before you submit your manuscript to a publisher consider offering them a translated version as well.  If you are self publishing your work I can assist with cultural consultation, and marketing.  Consider my translated work, credentials and experience.
Further Resource and Book Review of two leading texts on literary Translation
“Passage into Literary Translation by a Judicial Interpreter”by Diane Teichman

Contact Diane to discuss the translation of your manuscript, or creative work.


BallerinaPublished Translated Books
Title: “The Ballerina with Webbed Feet, La Bailarina Palmípeda “
Genre:  Children’s literature                 ISBN 09663629-2-6.    Hardback 2004
Authored by Pam Van Scoyoc and translated by Diane Teichman
Description: A picture book about real friendship and life challenges delightfully written for the 4 to 8 year old. 
Series editor and Acquisitions Editor
Series Title: “Professional Interpreting In The Real World”
Multilingual Matters Publishing Company, Clevedon Hall, England 
Professional Interpreting Instruction Text series
Visit the website at www.multilingual-matters.com.

Titles include:
The Interpreters Guide to the Vehicular Lawsuit, by Josef Buenker, 2004 (ISBN 1-85359-781-3)
Interpretation by James Nolan, 2005 (ISBN 1-85359-790-2)
The Interpreter’s Resource.  by Mary Phelan 2000 (ISBN 1-85359-515-2)

Creative Word Translations ENGLISH TO SPANISH

Metro Transit Authority (Houston)
Translation and transcription of recorded television spot
Text title: Metro:  Life’s a Journey. Spanish and English versions
Minute Maid advertising campaign “Fresh Picked Taste”
Translation for Central and South American Markets.
Houston Public Television (Channel 8)
Documentary Script translation.  “The People of the Rain Forest”
Compaq Computer Corporation
Market Questionnaire and Surveys 
Audio transcription for both Mexican and Venezuelan markets.
Northline Mall
Father’s Day Events Announcement and Code of Conduct
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Documentary Script Translation and audio voice-over narration EPA citizen and commercial education.
AVES Periodical: AIDS Awareness Education Organization
Translation of multiple issues of the newsletter and other printed materials.
“Young Children Learn Through Play” Booklet by C. Tyler Hill
Translation for Boy Scout Troop 928 as part of the Boy Scouts of America Eagle requirement.

Pic 3 PeopleCreative Word Translations SPANISH TO ENGLISH

Translated Book    Title: “The Theme of the Tango in Argentine Literature “
           (For private client, not for publication)
Promotional Brochures
Doctor’s Surgical Center, Nabors Drilling Company, Holiday Inn Villa Hermosa, Mexico. 
Villa Santa Elena Cuernavaca, México.  Museo de Arte Contemporánea,  Monterrey, México.
Safety Vision
Product marketing descriptions
Back Translation:
Compaq Computer Corporation
SBC Corporation
Fiesta Food Markets

Hot Air BalloonCreative Writing and Translation Organization Memberships, Past and Present

White Oak Writers (WOW) and Critique Group
Houston Writers Guild
Ft. Bend Writers Guild
American Literary Translators Association
Association of Authors and Publishers Member Board of directors 2002-2003
American Translators Association: Active member


